·Dec 22, 2022HubSpot Deals data to MySQL DatabaseIn this article, we're following the below steps for copying the data to MySQL. Prerequisites: Python Environment MySQL, either in a Local or Server Environment HubSpot account admin access and Private App token Once you logged into HubSpot, cr...12 likes·40 readsHubSpot
Elvis·Feb 16, 2023Airbyte 101: Building Data Pipelines with AirbyteHave you ever been in a situation you want to transfer data faster from one source to another? AIRBYTE is the tool that will save the day when it comes to scalable and fast ELT data pipelines. Airbyte is an open-source data integration platform that ...9 likes·100 readsairbyte
Eric·Apr 6, 2023Integrate with HubSpot using PrismaSequin lets you sync your HubSpot data to your database in real-time. You can then use ORMs, like Prisma, to rapidly build your HubSpot integration. In this playbook, you'll learn how to set up HubSpot to work with Prisma using Sequin. You'll then wr...prisma
Eric·Apr 6, 2023Integrate with HubSpot using PrismaSequin lets you sync your HubSpot data to your database in real-time. You can then use ORMs, like Prisma, to rapidly build your HubSpot integration. In this playbook, you'll learn how to set up HubSpot to work with Prisma using Sequin. You'll then wr...prisma
Elvis·Feb 16, 2023Airbyte 101: Building Data Pipelines with AirbyteHave you ever been in a situation you want to transfer data faster from one source to another? AIRBYTE is the tool that will save the day when it comes to scalable and fast ELT data pipelines. Airbyte is an open-source data integration platform that ...9 likes·100 readsairbyte·Dec 22, 2022HubSpot Deals data to MySQL DatabaseIn this article, we're following the below steps for copying the data to MySQL. Prerequisites: Python Environment MySQL, either in a Local or Server Environment HubSpot account admin access and Private App token Once you logged into HubSpot, cr...12 likes·40 readsHubSpot