Darwin Sanoymissionimpossiblecode.hashnode.net·Jun 20, 2020Live Coding Conversion of GitHub Action Super-Linter to GitLab CIIn the most recent Mission Impossible Live Coding event, Jefferson and I convert the GitHub Action Super-Linter to run in GitLab CI. This is a summary of lessons learned and pointers to the results. So Jefferson and I worked through this approach. Be...365 readsMission Impossible CodeMission Impossible Code
Frank Wickströmgorillaturtle.hashnode.net·Jan 20, 2023Renovate Bot behind a proxy on GitLab CIRenovate Bot, or simply Renovate, is a multi-language, automatic dependency manager that updates dependencies by opening pull/merge requests to a repository. It offers many configuration options and supports common package managers for a lot of langu...125 readsGitLab-CI
Darwin Sanoymissionimpossiblecode.hashnode.net·Aug 16, 2019GitLab Commit - The Little Conference That Could - And DidThis post contains the links to my GitLab Commit Brooklyn session “Never Hire a Butler to do a Robot’s Job” as well as an interview I had with Alan Shimel at GitLab Commit. I’ve spoken at a lot of conferences and I’ve experienced a good number of the...GitLab
Yuanyu Lianggson.hashnode.net·Apr 5, 2023AWS STS for gitlab-ciWhile using gitlab-ci to execute the pipeline, it will need the AWS credential for gaining the ability to create resources or get resources. However, even if using a self-hosted gitlab-ci runner machine, embedding the AWS credential in the gitlab-ci ...58 readsAWSGitLab-CI
Aman Gauraman1011.hashnode.net·Feb 17, 2023Get the path of the files changed in each commit and pull requests in gitlab.While running a pipeline in GitLab, you can make use of pre-defined environment variables to get the path of the files changed in your commit in a single branch or a pull/merge request from one branch to another. Using git diff commands we can: Get ...43 readsGitLab
Bernice Choybernicecpz.hashnode.net·Feb 10, 2023[Gitlab] File type CI/CD variableTLDR; Summary Using CI/CD variables with File type allows you to define multiple variables without having to define them individually. This makes it easier to maintain and more portable. The CI/CD variable defined will store the path to the variabl...34 readsAutomation and ToolsGitLab
Frank Wickströmgorillaturtle.hashnode.net·Jan 20, 2023Renovate Bot behind a proxy on GitLab CIRenovate Bot, or simply Renovate, is a multi-language, automatic dependency manager that updates dependencies by opening pull/merge requests to a repository. It offers many configuration options and supports common package managers for a lot of langu...125 readsGitLab-CI
Joseph Ganbwgjoseph.hashnode.net·Nov 5, 2022[Docusaurus] How to enable showLastUpdate feature when deployed via Gitlab CIContext I had trouble getting showLastUpdateAuthor and showLastUpdateTime to display in production build when deploying through Gitlab CI. Before I show you how to fix it, let's see what this feature is about As shown in the image (circled) above, a...192 readsdocusaurus
Darwin Sanoymissionimpossiblecode.hashnode.net·Jun 20, 2020Live Coding Conversion of GitHub Action Super-Linter to GitLab CIIn the most recent Mission Impossible Live Coding event, Jefferson and I convert the GitHub Action Super-Linter to run in GitLab CI. This is a summary of lessons learned and pointers to the results. So Jefferson and I worked through this approach. Be...365 readsMission Impossible CodeMission Impossible Code
Darwin Sanoymissionimpossiblecode.hashnode.net·Aug 16, 2019GitLab Commit - The Little Conference That Could - And DidThis post contains the links to my GitLab Commit Brooklyn session “Never Hire a Butler to do a Robot’s Job” as well as an interview I had with Alan Shimel at GitLab Commit. I’ve spoken at a lot of conferences and I’ve experienced a good number of the...GitLab