Ahsan Noor.anoor.hashnode.net·Aug 27, 2022How to host your frontend projects on GitHub pages for free?Introduction: Having a portfolio website is a great idea for a developer. We can use this website to showcase our skills, and share it with others when needed. As a student and a beginner, we may not have the budget to pay for hosting services. Don't...48 likes·629 readsGitHub
Rizel Scarletttwodevsinapod.hashnode.net·Aug 4, 2022Create a No-Touch QR Code Menu with GitHub PagesI created a no-touch QR Code menu using GitHub Pages, and I built different versions of the menu with various frameworks such as Next.js and Tailwind CSS, Astro, and React. The menu is Caribbean-inspired with Afro-Guyanese foods because that's my par...47 likes·551 readsGitHub TutorialsGitHub
IZAYE Visualsizayevisuals.hashnode.net·Oct 19, 2022Make Your Own Linktree!What is a Linktree? A Linktree is a free tool that gives you the ability to have all your social media links in one place for easy sharing. Having a Linktree can be so useful for networking! Instead of signing up for a basic one, why not STAND OUT an...37 likes·224 readsnewbie
Subho Deydevopsculture.hashnode.net·Apr 24, 2023Refining Git & GitHub for DevOps Engineers: Part2Git Stash: Saving Changes for Later In Git, the stash command allows you to temporarily save changes in a new stash, which acts like a temporary branch that you can switch to and from. You can stash changes that you have made but do not want to commi...GitHub
Kunj Patelkunj.hashnode.net·Apr 19, 2023A Deep dive into DevOps #5Building a custom CI/CD pipeline in Github Actions can significantly improve the speed and efficiency of your development process. In this article, we'll go through the steps for creating a custom CI/CD pipeline in Github Actions. Step 1 - Set Up You...10 likesDevops
Vishnu Prasaathpvishnuprasaath.hashnode.net·Apr 11, 2023Host React app in GitHub pagesThere is a lot of documentation out there to host your react app on GitHub pages for FREE, which is accessible via https://<git_user>.github.io/<repo_name>ex: adam.github.io/portfolio , vishnu.github.io/my-dev But this doc will guide you to host reac...1 like·28 readsReact
Ayush Soniayushsoni1010.hashnode.net·Apr 3, 2023Deploy your React app using GitHub pagesAfter gaining experience in creating React apps, it's time to explore various deployment options available to showcase your work to the world. We have been using Create React App to develop our React applications, so let’s see what it has to offer fo...26 readsJavaScript
Devang Tomardevangtomar.hashnode.net·Mar 31, 2023Unleashing the Full Potential of GitHub Actions: A Beginner’s Guide 🚀I just recently started using GitHub Actions, and I’m blown away by what it’s capable of. Simply put, GitHub Actions facilitates the creation of workflows within the GitHub code repository. This is not limited to a CI/CD pipeline; you can also create...1 like·28 readsGitHub Actions
Shinichi Okadacodewithshin.hashnode.net·Mar 30, 2023Upgrade Your Static Website To A Progressive Web App: A Beginner's Guide And ResourcesProgressive Web Apps (PWAs) are like regular websites but with extra superpowers! They work offline, so you can still use them even when you don’t have an internet connection. PWAs are also super fast and can be installed right on your home screen, j...progressive web apps
Code Buzzcodebuzz.hashnode.net·Mar 28, 2023Simple React Application on GitHub PagesProject Preview GitHub Page URL Simple React App GitHub Page Repository Page Repository How to Build and Deploy Simple React App on GitHub Pages How to Build and Deploy React App29 readsProjectsReact
Badreddine Boudaoudbadreddineboudaoud.hashnode.net·Mar 18, 2023Create a React app with Vite and deploy it on GitHubIntroduction Deploying a React app on GitHub can be a great way to share your application with others and make it available online. In this article, we will walk through the steps required to create a React app with Vite and deploy it on GitHub. Reac...45 readsReact
Desmond Dadziecyberdessy.hashnode.net·Feb 20, 2023A Beginner's Guide to Hosting a Resume Website with GitHub Pages in 9 StepsGitHub Pages is a free service offered by GitHub that makes it easy to host a website directly from a GitHub repository. It's a great option for developers and non-developers alike who want to showcase their work, portfolio, or resume online. In this...1 like·26 readsGitHub
Moses Adebayomuzardemoses.hashnode.net·Feb 14, 2023GitHub Pages Not Displaying My Website? Here's What You Need to KnowWhat is GitHub Pages GitHub Pages is a web hosting service provided by GitHub that allows developers to showcase their projects or host static websites for free. With GitHub Pages, you can publish static HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files directly from ...2 likes·44 readsGitHub