Ayodele Samuel Adebayounclebigbay.hashnode.net·Jun 29, 2021INTRODUCING: Developer Typing Game Platform powered by the HERN StackHello my gorgeous friends on the internet 👋 , how are you doing today 🤗? In this article, I will be introducing to you my open source project for the #HarperdbHackerton. THE PROJECT IDEA is to create a platform where developers can improve on thei...356 likes·2.4K readsMy Projects Walk-ThroughHarperDB Hackathon
Jesse Freemanjessefreeman.hashnode.net·Oct 23, 2021FeaturedThe Dark Side of Supporting an Open-Source ProjectI've been working on my Fantasy Console, Pixel Vision 8, primarily by myself for the past six years. I've poured thousands of hours and hundreds of sleepless nights into it. I've coded at home, on planes, trains, and in hotels around the world. Ther...163 likes·2.8K readsOpen Source
Jorge Romerojorgerl.hashnode.net·Jun 12, 2022FeaturedToying with Deno. Making a ... Game Engine?Let's build a desktop app with Deno. Yes. A desktop app. No Electron. Actually, let's make it harder on ourselves! Let's make a 3D desktop app! Will it be a GOOD desktop app? Of course not! Whose blog do you think you are reading! But hopefully, it...108 likes·2.7K readsWill Code 4 FoodDeno
Joel Thomsjoelnet.hashnode.net·Apr 25, 2023First Beta of My Indie Game Dungeon Sweeper: A Knights AdventureThere is still a lot of work to be done, but I finally have something "playable" 🔥 I would describe it as a mashup of Mine Sweeper and a rogue-like dungeon crawler RPG. That's right! The first playable demo is up! The game is still in active develo...indiedev
Alex Horridgegeotechgames.hashnode.net·Apr 25, 2023Designing Pillars of State - ScaleGame design is hard. Each medium has its nuances, but games can let players experience elements out of order or without a rich narrative to help guide them. Certain games like colony-sims, city-builders or other sandbox games can leave players free t...Game Development
Alex Horridgegeotechgames.hashnode.net·Apr 25, 2023Starting my Dream Game Dev ProjectLots of people want to build video games, and a significant chunk of those try and start with their perfect project. This was the case for me back in 2014. I had just graduated with a degree in Ancient History before getting a job as a project manage...Game Development
Joel Thomsjoelnet.hashnode.net·Apr 24, 2023Creating a TypeWriter Effect in Phaser.js v3I recently added some dialog options for my indie game, Dungeon Sweeper: A Knights Adventure and wanted to create a TypeWriter effect for the dialog text. This technique works well for monospaced fonts and may not work for variable-width fonts. Fail...1 likeGame Development
BFransebfranse.hashnode.net·Apr 22, 2023Creating food for NPCsWelcome to part 8 of my series on Unity development (And already my 10th article on Hashnode 🎉)! In the last article, I showed you how to create random movement behaviour for the fish in my game. In this article, I will show you how to create fish f...Learning Unity game development togetherGame Development
Mojtaba Malekimojtabamaleki.hashnode.net·Apr 21, 2023Hang Man In PythonHang Man In Python Hey there! 🤗 In this tutorial, I will walk you through building the classic word-guessing game, "Hangman", using Python. Let's get started with the code! First, we import the random module to randomly select a word from a list of ...1 likeUniversity of Debrecen Coding ClubPython
Tom Jebbopycraft.hashnode.net·Apr 20, 2023Pycraft progress report! 19/04/2023Hello there everyone, it's time for our weekly progress summary for Pycraft, and I think that we have just had one of the most productive weeks in the entire 5 years or so we have been working on Pycraft! Needless to say, there is plenty to talk abou...Pycraft's weekly progress updates!Programming Blogs
Peter Withampeterwitham.hashnode.net·Apr 20, 2023My first week of porting from Unity to Unreal EngineAfter a few frustrations with Unity, I decided to start learning Unreal Engine (5). Let me start by saying that I have been using Unity to create games and even some apps over the years. My most recent is the early release of Project Hack, an idle-st...12 likesunity
Arvind Kumarhikaru117.hashnode.net·Apr 20, 2023Creating a stylized grass shader using Unity Shader Graph. (Part-2)In the previous part, we made a customizable stylized grass shader. In this part, we'll be adding animation to create the wind effect. Introduction The way we are trying to achieve wind effect will be split into two methods. The first method will be ...27 readsCreating shadersunity
Paul Mattioneradiantsoftware.hashnode.net·Apr 19, 2023Getting Type Names in C++For logging and debugging it can be extremely useful to get a string for the name of a type in C++. However, the standard library doesn't supply a great way of doing that. We don't want to use the standard typeid operator, std::type_info, or std::typ...C++