Sanved·Mar 6, 2023A Beginner's Guide to Express.js & Node.jsWhat exactly is Node.js? Till now, you've been executing your JavaScript inside the browser. Here's where Node comes in. According to, "Node.js® is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment". What this means is that Nod...22 likes·71 readsExpress.js
Simon·Sep 20, 2022How To Use Embedded JavaScript (EJS) As A Template Engine In NodeJs - Full ExplanationBefore we begin, let us understand what a Template Engine is. A template engine is a mechanism that enables you to use static template files in your application. It replaces the variables inside a web template file with actual values(at runtime), the...1 like·92 readsNode.js
Raghvendra·Jan 30, 2023Sending Emails using Nodemailer, and EJS Template in NestJSIn this blog post, we will learn how to send emails to a user's email box from the Nest application using Nodemailer. So, let's learn:- Prerequisites To follow this tutorial, you will need: Node.js v14+ in your local machine/system. Familiarity wit...1 like·228 readsnestjs
Sanved·Mar 6, 2023A Beginner's Guide to Express.js & Node.jsWhat exactly is Node.js? Till now, you've been executing your JavaScript inside the browser. Here's where Node comes in. According to, "Node.js® is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment". What this means is that Nod...22 likes·71 readsExpress.js·Feb 21, 2023How to Convert MongoDb Date with MomentJS on EJS Templating EngineIn this tutorial, we will discuss the moment library and its importance in converting MongoDb date string format. We will go ahead and insert the data in an EJS template file. Let's begin first by knowing the use of MomentJS Moment.js is a javascript...1 like·51 reads2Articles1Week
Raghvendra·Jan 30, 2023Sending Emails using Nodemailer, and EJS Template in NestJSIn this blog post, we will learn how to send emails to a user's email box from the Nest application using Nodemailer. So, let's learn:- Prerequisites To follow this tutorial, you will need: Node.js v14+ in your local machine/system. Familiarity wit...1 like·228 readsnestjs
Ritik·Jan 22, 2023Embedded JavaScript (EJS)EJS (Embedded JavaScript) is a templating engine that allows developers to embed JavaScript code into HTML documents. The resulting HTML documents are then rendered by the browser, with the JavaScript code executed and replaced by the corresponding o...JavaScript
Vaibhav·Jan 18, 2023#Day29 - Templating and Rendering in ExpressWelcome to Day 29 of our blogging series "Code, Blog, Repeat: A 50-Day Quest for Back-End Mastery"! Yesterday, we covered middlewares in Express, and today we're going to explore the world of templating and rendering. As we built our simple express s...Code, Blog, Repeat: A 50-Day Quest for Back-End MasteryExpress
Ben Hanan·Oct 14, 2022CommonJS vs ES Modulescross-posted on If you're already familiar with the JavaScript universe, you unquestionably come to believe that ecosystem of JS is more massive than any other language ever had. When it comes to Modular Program...1 like·64 readsJavaScript
Simon·Sep 20, 2022How To Use Embedded JavaScript (EJS) As A Template Engine In NodeJs - Full ExplanationBefore we begin, let us understand what a Template Engine is. A template engine is a mechanism that enables you to use static template files in your application. It replaces the variables inside a web template file with actual values(at runtime), the...1 like·92 readsNode.js
Bilal Mubarak·Sep 2, 2022Introduction to EJSHello, ladies and gentlemen, I'm back with another lovely article which I'll be explaining about EJS as you all know most beginners (developers) are struggling to know which technology they will be using that makes their life easy, in terms of learni...39 readsJavaScript
Mr.·Jul 8, 2022[2] 快速學會 node.js 基礎入門0. 說明 本篇將完整說明如何使用 node.js 建立一個簡單的 web,也介紹如何對 mysql 的資料庫操作。 本篇文章是一個步驟指導,建議可以搭配影片一起學習: 1. 安裝 node.js 安裝最新版: $ sudo apt-get install curl $ curl -sL | sudo -E bash - 開始安裝: $ sudo apt-get ...87 readsNode.js