Swaleha Parvinswaleha.hashnode.net·Feb 19, 2023Step-by-Step Guide to Using MongoDB Locally with VS Code for Efficient DevelopmentMongoDB is a popular NoSQL database that is known for its flexible data model, scalability, and ease of use. With its document-oriented architecture, MongoDB is an ideal choice for developing modern applications that require a dynamic schema and the ...10 likes·69 readsMongoDB
Adewoye Adegokedegoke.hashnode.net·Jan 19, 2023SQL queries on a production databaseGenerally, it is a bad idea to run SQL statements - (UPDATE, INSERT, ALTER, DELETE) on your production database. One incorrect statement can have drastic side effects affecting the security and integrity of your data. But there are situations where d...2 likes·57 readsSQL
Kareem Olawaledatabasemonk.hashnode.net·Feb 4, 2023Stored ProceduresStored procedures are a powerful tool for improving the efficiency and scalability of your database system. In this article, we'll explore what stored procedures are, how they work, and why they are a crucial component for optimizing database perform...1 like·41 readsDatabases
Ebi Kpemi-Ogokimiebixx.hashnode.net·Apr 20, 2023Designing and building a structured storage solutionI saw an open role for a software engineer (online storage) and decided to do some research on what the role is about, would require and what I need to work on. What is a storage solution? A storage solution is a system or technology used to store a...Software Engineering
Karl Bolingerkbolinger.hashnode.net·Apr 18, 2023SQL vs. NoSQL Databases: An Overview of Data Storage OptionsWhen it comes to data storage options, two main types of databases stand out: SQL and NoSQL. Each of these database types has its own strengths and weaknesses, and choosing between them often depends on a specific project's specific needs. In this ar...Data Engineering Basicsdatabasemanagement
İdil SağlamforMakepad Blogkaanyagci-1672338511431.hashnode.net·Mar 30, 2023Creating a Simple Go Application for CRUD Operations with Neo4j and DockerHi everyone 👋, today we'll create a simple Go application that demonstrates basic CRUD operations using Neo4j 🏢, a popular graph database, and Docker 🐳. This tutorial will guide you through the steps to set up a local Neo4j instance using Docker, ...71 readsGo Language
Dinesh Kumar Lalamdineshlalam15.hashnode.net·Mar 25, 2023Getting started with SQL - A Beginners Guide!What is SQL? A programming Language? No, absolutely not. SQL (Structured Query Language) The name itself says it’s a QUERY Language. Are you thinking what’s a query? A Google search is a query. Let me get into the brief. Queries are requests made to ...43 readsSQL
Swaleha Parvinswaleha.hashnode.net·Feb 19, 2023Step-by-Step Guide to Using MongoDB Locally with VS Code for Efficient DevelopmentMongoDB is a popular NoSQL database that is known for its flexible data model, scalability, and ease of use. With its document-oriented architecture, MongoDB is an ideal choice for developing modern applications that require a dynamic schema and the ...10 likes·69 readsMongoDB
Kareem Olawaledatabasemonk.hashnode.net·Feb 4, 2023Stored ProceduresStored procedures are a powerful tool for improving the efficiency and scalability of your database system. In this article, we'll explore what stored procedures are, how they work, and why they are a crucial component for optimizing database perform...1 like·41 readsDatabases
Adewoye Adegokedegoke.hashnode.net·Jan 19, 2023SQL queries on a production databaseGenerally, it is a bad idea to run SQL statements - (UPDATE, INSERT, ALTER, DELETE) on your production database. One incorrect statement can have drastic side effects affecting the security and integrity of your data. But there are situations where d...2 likes·57 readsSQL
Khalid ImamforGeekyAnts Tech Bloghysterical-ambition-request-53.hashnode.net·Sep 16, 2022How to Configure MariaDB Master-Slave Replication on AlmaLinuxIntroduction MariaDB replication is a process that allows you to automatically copy data from one database server to another server. In this article, we are going to discuss how to configure MariaDB Master-Slave replication on an AlmaLinux platform t...807 readsMariaDB
Anas Anjariaanasanjaria.hashnode.net·Sep 4, 2022How to Keep Track of Database Changes?As a programmer, we use software such as git to keep track of changes we made in our code, to ease our review process, etc. Similarly, we can keep track of changes made to our production databases using database migrations. As these migrations are pa...79 readsDatabasesDatabases