Sayed·May 22, 2021FeaturedTop 5 Lessons I learned while working with Go for two yearsSo I have been writing Go services for like two years now, both professionally and as personal projects. Using a certain language in numerous projects over an extended period of time allows you to make mistakes, fix them, realize it's still not the b...129 likes·24.9K readsGo Language
Sayed·Jun 19, 2022Concurrency, Race Conditions and Concurrency ControlAlmost any large scale application will have some sort of concurrency involved, but what is concurrency? And what are the problems that arise because of concurrent code? And how can we handle them? In this article, I will try to answer those question...75 likes·3.2K readsWeb Development
Mostafa·May 30, 2021Let's build a concurrent file downloader in GoGo is an amazing language. Though it is notoriously simple, with bare minimal features compare to other modern languages like Koltin and Scala, it has great concurrency capabilities. In this article, we are going to see how we can write a complete co...55 likes·3.7K readsGo Language
Arjun·Apr 24, 2023Master the Art of GoRoutine JugglingIntroduction Go (or Golang), the cool kid on the block in the world of programming languages has been turning heads with its simplicity, efficiency, and powerful concurrency model. When it comes to concurrent programming, scheduling – the art of orc...10 likes·33 readsGo Deepgolang
How Rui·Apr 22, 2023Fly the Go Way: Building a Client-Server System using UDP and GoIntroduction A while back, I worked on building a client-server flight reservation system as part of my distributed systems class. The client handles user requests such as querying flight details before parsing these requests into data to be sent to ...56 readsUDP
Elucian·Apr 20, 2023Rust: ConcurrencyConcurrent programming is a programming paradigm that deals with the execution of multiple tasks or threads simultaneously in a program. The goal of concurrent programming is to utilize a computer's resources more efficiently and to achieve better pr...Rust LanguageRust
Tom X NguyenforDwarves Foundation's Team·Apr 14, 2023Lessons learned from concurrency practices in blockchain projectsThis article covers some lessons learned from working on blockchain projects, with a team that was often optimistic about transparent distributed concurrency. Our API server was scaled to 3 replicas, which introduces a lot of concurrency nuance and r...22 likes·73 readsPostgreSQL
Arjun·Apr 14, 2023Boost Your Golang PerformanceIntroduction How many Gophers does it take to change a light bulb? Just one, but they'll probably write a blog post about it. Hey there, fellow developers! Are you interested in optimizing the performance of your Golang applications? Look no furthe...332 readsGo Deepgolang
Elucian·Apr 10, 2023Go: concurrencyConcurrency in Go refers to the ability of a Go program to execute multiple tasks simultaneously, using goroutines and channels. Goroutines are lightweight threads of execution that are managed by the Go runtime, while channels are the primary means ...Go Languagegolang
Pratik·Apr 9, 2023Concurrency in Go (Part-3): sync package primitivesCond Sometimes, goroutines need to wait for some data or some kind of signal to be available before executing further. Cond primitive provides the most efficient way to just do that. Cond implements a condition variable, a rendezvous point for gorout...10 likes·44 readsGolangconcurrency-in-go
satish·Apr 7, 2023PostgreSQL MVCC: Understanding Multi-Version Concurrency Control in PostgreSQLPostgreSQL is a very popular open-source object-relational database system that uses a unique approach to handle concurrency called Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC). Let's explore what MVCC is, how it works, and why it is essential for Postgr...PostgreSQL
Pratik·Apr 6, 2023Concurrency in Go (Part-2): sync package primitivesIntroduction Go is primarily designed around Communicating Sequential Processes i.e using channels and select primitives to write concurrent programs, but it also supports the traditional way of writing concurrent code using Memory Access Synchroniza...8 likes·199 readsGolangGo Language
Serge·Apr 6, 2023Go's Channels and PointersBackground I've used Java for most of my career and am used to the fact all objects are passed by reference, while all primitive types are passed by value. Java has no pointers and you don't have to think about how you pass things around. In Go, stru...92 readsGo Language