Ayush kumarayush7614.hashnode.net·Aug 31, 2022What Exactly is Community Management ?What factors influence my decision to pursue a career in DevRel and community management? So I start with my story I've been starting to code since the end of my freshman year of college, when I began learning web development, Android, data structur...146 likes·383 readscommunity
Emmanuel Nwakaemmanuelnwaka.hashnode.net·Jan 30, 2023How To Become a Web3 Community Manager: How These 10 Pros Did It.A Web3 Community Manager is the bridge between the Web3 project and its target audience. While the developer focuses on coding and the executives focus on implementing the vision, the Web3 Community Manager focuses on answering questions about the pr...4 likes·188 readsWeb3 Career Guidecommunity manager
Jessica Capuano Morajessicacapuanomora.hashnode.net·Nov 14, 2022Musings of a Seasoned CMIt’s been more than 10 years now that I started my first position as a Community Manager (CM). Despite a short break, in which I learned about digital marketing, the vast majority of my professional career was spent in community management, and there...1 like·280 readscommunity manager
Emmanuel Nwakaemmanuelnwaka.hashnode.net·Jan 30, 2023How To Become a Web3 Community Manager: How These 10 Pros Did It.A Web3 Community Manager is the bridge between the Web3 project and its target audience. While the developer focuses on coding and the executives focus on implementing the vision, the Web3 Community Manager focuses on answering questions about the pr...4 likes·188 readsWeb3 Career Guidecommunity manager
Rosie Sherryrosiesherry.hashnode.net·Jan 10, 2023Community engagement is so 2022. Here are 10 things you should obsess over instead.☀️ Hey everyone! It’s time to encourage some better community habits! I recently asked what was “so 2022 in community building” and one answer that poked its head through was engagement. It’s not that community engagement within itself is bad, but th...community
Jessica Capuano Morajessicacapuanomora.hashnode.net·Nov 14, 2022Musings of a Seasoned CMIt’s been more than 10 years now that I started my first position as a Community Manager (CM). Despite a short break, in which I learned about digital marketing, the vast majority of my professional career was spent in community management, and there...1 like·280 readscommunity manager
Queenesther Michael Hoganqueenesthermichaelhogan.hashnode.net·Nov 6, 2022Tools for Community ManagersHi there, We only have twenty-four hours and get to live once. managing our resources like time and energy has never been so demanding like it is now. As community managers, there are a lot of things that will certainly draw our attention especiall...220 readscommunity manager
Sabian Finogwarsabianf.hashnode.net·Oct 23, 2022Discovering Community LeadersHello, wonderful person! Talking with potential leaders, starting a project with UX designers, strategizing mini-events, as you’ll see below, this past week has been interesting Ugeddit-Specific Community Leader?: I recently had a chat with another ...65 readscommunity
Jessica Capuano Morajessicacapuanomora.hashnode.net·Oct 11, 2022The Scrappy Community Manager's Toolbox 🧰There are already many great articles on the internet about community management. However, given how many hats community managers (CMs) have to wear, a vital aspect of success is having the right tools at your disposal. The problem is, even if you ...492 readstools
Sabian Finogwarsabianf.hashnode.net·Oct 1, 2022New office hours, community resourcesHello, wonderful person! I (Sabian) have set up my coaching office hours in Ugeddit’s Discord community for 7:30am PST on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. This morning, 1 member came and chatted with me in-depth about a life challenge she’d been hav...57 readsdiscord
Ayush kumarayush7614.hashnode.net·Aug 31, 2022What Exactly is Community Management ?What factors influence my decision to pursue a career in DevRel and community management? So I start with my story I've been starting to code since the end of my freshman year of college, when I began learning web development, Android, data structur...146 likes·383 readscommunity