Rakesh JainforLearn Code Onlinefragile-pot-tutor-03.hashnode.net·Mar 11, 2021Why Linux?Have you heard that Linux is now on MARS? The answer is a BIG YES! In Feb 2021 there was a news that NASA’s Perseverance rover which landed on Mars, first time ever brought the Linux operating system to the Red Planet. (PC: NASA) More then 71% o...300 likes·12.3K readsLinuxLinux
Sayed Alesawysayedalesawy.hashnode.net·Jun 4, 2021FeaturedFinding a Needle in a Haystack: How Facebook Serves Millions of Images per SecondSo a couple of weeks ago, I came across a file system called SeaweedFS which is according to their readme: ... is a distributed storage system for blobs, objects, files, and data lake, to store and serve billions of files fast! Blob store has O(1) ...268 likes·4.3K readsFacebook Storage Infrastructuredistributed system
Andrew Brownandrewbrown.hashnode.net·Jul 28, 202116 years experience and I want to start with cloud securityHello Andrew I have total 16 years of experience which includes both application development and application security I want to start with cloud security, However, my current organization is not working with cloud in any way and doesn't look like it ...229 likes·674 readsAsk Andrew Cloud AdviceCloud
Abhay Singhabhaysingh.hashnode.net·Mar 15, 2024Conquer Cloud Headaches: AIOps Simplifies ObservabilityCloud-native apps are amazing, but man, can they be complex! Monitoring gets messy fast. Enter AIOps – the AI-powered answer to untangling cloud chaos and making sure your systems always hum. Cloud-Native Environments: The Complexity Challenge Cloud-...#AIOps
Florian Fuchsflorian.hashnode.net·Nov 17, 2023enim nisi officia non cillum quiNulla cillum ea ut qui occaecat irure ad cillum. Quis aliquip laborum ullamco incididunt cupidatat aute non minim velit deserunt duis excepteur aliqua irure nisi. Culpa dolore eu voluptate commodo laborum aliquip aliquip eu tempor tempor. Dolore temp...Cloud
Florian Fuchsflorian.hashnode.net·Nov 17, 2023dolore aute aliquip deserunt id cillumAnim cillum ut reprehenderit ut. Adipisicing irure aliqua dolor aliqua sint et voluptate aute laboris sunt. Aliquip sit sint quis voluptate enim minim mollit pariatur. Fugiat pariatur non velit proident do voluptate excepteur labore enim irure. Labor...Cloud
Florian Fuchsflorian.hashnode.net·Nov 17, 2023cupidatat Lorem duis labore fugiat consequatCillum veniam esse esse fugiat pariatur ex cillum. Ad qui laborum mollit reprehenderit exercitation aliquip. Consectetur sunt proident ea cillum cillum ex aute duis consectetur dolor nisi aliquip. Aliqua commodo mollit ea tempor dolore ullamco enim m...AWS
Elvis Anselmelvisanselm.hashnode.net·Apr 25, 2023What You Need to Know About Run Levels in LinuxGraphical user interface (GUI) and command-line interface (CLI). Oh, snap! I realize I’ve just blurted out those terms without context, let me add context. The GUI and CLI are the two options a Linux operating system (OS) boots to when turned on. Whe...Devops
Maheshwar Ligadetechwasti.hashnode.net·Apr 25, 2023Go lang and RabbitMQ Integration!RabbitMQ is a message broker that facilitates communication between different applications. It is a widely used open-source message broker that implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP). It is used for message queuing, routing, and reli...231 readsgo-languageGo Language
Tim Grievetimgrieve.hashnode.net·Apr 25, 2023Exploring the CloudMy IT Background I’m a Windows System Administrator. Many years ago I started as a helpdesk analyst in the IT department of a cable manufacturing company. I was the first point of contact for just about everything, password resets, hardware, software...Cloud
ayaz bashadevopsraja.hashnode.net·Apr 25, 2023Mastering Kubernetes: Understanding Architecture and Components, Installation, and Configuration"Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that is used to manage and deploy containerized applications at scale. It is designed to simplify the management of containerized applications by automating the deployment, scaling, and ma...Devops
Francisco Souzafranciscosouza.hashnode.net·Apr 25, 2023Kubernetes Architecture, Components, Install, Config, Creating a Cluster and Deploy Demo App▶What is Kubernetes? It is a portable, extensible, open-source platform for managing containerized workloads and services, that facilitates both declarative configuration and automation. It has a large, rapidly growing ecosystem. (kubernetes.io) ▶Kub...2 likes·72 readsDevops
Satish Sutarsatishsutar-cloud-and-devops.hashnode.net·Apr 25, 2023AWS CloudTrailIntroduction AWS CloudTrail is a service that enables the monitoring and auditing of API activity within your AWS account. It captures all API calls and events made by and to your AWS account and makes it available as a log file. This log file can be...2 likesAWS Cloud SafariAWS