·Aug 3, 2020The serverless ParadigmThe serverless Paradigm Let's talk a bit about the Severless Paradigm The buzzword everywhere now is serverless as opposed to monolithic servers. What is the Severless Architecture? Serverless architectures are internet-based systems where the appli...31 likes·92 readsserverless
Matej Boš·Oct 29, 2021Appwrites database serviceHello everyone. In this article, I will introduce you to Appwrites database, its service with server-side SDK, comparison between server-side SDK and client-side SDK, appwrite CLI, and real-time updates followed by code examples. As I prefer to write...25 likes·1.1K readsDatabases
Carlos Sá·Jan 20, 2021Backend as a Service? When to use it?Currently we have many tools that facilitate the development of applications and websites. To mention a few, we have ESLint or Babel the first one helps us write cleaner code and the second one allows us to run the lastest JavaScript implementations....12 likes·75 readsbackend
Recently·Mar 23, 2023Flutter and Appwrite BaaS IntegrationWhat is Flutter? Flutter is a popular cross-platform framework for building mobile applications. With Flutter, developers can create high-performance mobile applications for both iOS and Android platforms using a single codebase. However, building a ...2 likesFlutteryAppwriteFlutter
Ibenegbu Ekpereamaka·Mar 3, 2023About Startup Plan For Backend ServiceAre you looking website to helping direct on how to plan your business startup well look no further, because I come with great news. Have you heard about Startplan Business 🤔, I know you are wondering what that is, well let me explain. Startup Plan ...1 like#theadaproject
kelechi·Feb 26, 2023Backend Development explained in 2 minutesWebsites and applications are common these days. However, it's important to understand that behind the cool design and features lies the technology that makes them work. Every website and application has a hidden backend that is responsible for its f...1 like·31 readsbackend
Aluko Opeyemi·Feb 25, 2023Guide to writing Software as a Service (SaaS) ApplicationsSoftware as a Service (SaaS) is a popular software delivery model that allows users to access applications over the internet rather than installing them locally. Developing a SaaS application can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be development
Gloria·Nov 23, 2022Nhost: An Open Source BaaS for Web and Mobile AppsIn a world where technical expertise is in great demand, companies key into the larger technology ecosystem to build and scale their digital products. Most companies don't care much about how their software is developed but are more concerned about t...33 readsbackend as a service
EZINNE ANNE·Nov 18, 2022AppWrite: How To Use AppWriteWhen managing databases became too complex, developers built cloud solutions that could make databases easier to manage and handle. The same thing is happening with the backend as backend development becomes more complex. Companies are building serv...3 likesAppwrite
Samuel·Oct 9, 2022Best Backend Technologies & Languages For Your ProjectThe backend plays the most crucial part in this combination since it implements all users’ requests via the frontend part. And it is highly essential to choose the right backend technology that will let developers build a solid ground for your softwa...1 like·26 readsbackend as a service
Nouman·Sep 11, 2022Introduction to Backend as a Service (BaaS)What is BaaS? Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) allows developers to focus on the front end of their applications and leverage backend services without building or maintaining them. BaaS and serverless computing share some similarities, and many providers ...10 likes·277 readsFirebase
Archit·Aug 21, 2022Backend-as-a-ServiceIntroduction All modern web applications have a segregated Backend and Frontend. Consider them as two separate programs which can communicate with each other and external applications using APIs ( Application Programming Interface ). As we move into ...2 likes·601 readsbackend as a service
Farjad Ahmed·Aug 21, 2022Nhost. Backend-as-a-Service.Nhost is a development platform and the open source GraphQL backend (an alternative to Firebase). What Netlify and Vercel do for the frontend, Nhost does for the backend. Nhost offers a cutting-edge backend with the fundamental components needed to c...6 likes·28 readsBlogsWithCC