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I'm also writing an article on Vite. It is so cool and fast. Nice article Israel Oyetunji
Thank you, Victor. I'd love to read your article when it's published!
Nice article Israel vite is indeed faster But I believe it does not have much functionality in comparison to CRA with regards to warnings and errors being shown in the terminal.
Yes, I did see some reports about it online. Also, found one about type errors not being detected as regards type checking in Typescript.
From the official docs:
Vite does NOT handle type checking by itself:
- During dev, your IDE should already report the errors.
- During build, the latest template does perform type checking already. Make sure to run
npm init @vitejs/app@latest
Do we find any difference in performance when deployed in production?
That's a good question, Veeresh.
Yes, by using Rollup under the hood, during production, Vite ensures performance optimization techniques like tree-shaking, lazy-loading, and common chunk splitting.