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Sandro Volpicella


1.8K reads


Mar 30, 2022

Great and generous feature

1 reply
Sandro Volpicella
Sandro Volpicella
Mar 31, 2022

Thanks Steffan 馃檪

Jorge Romero
Jorge Romero
Mar 30, 2022

That was really insightful! I learned a lot. Thank you Sandro Volpicella

  • I wasn't able to follow all of the DynamoDB part. Mainly because I have never used it. But I got the broad idea.

  • It seems like a lot more work went into getting that in-progress feedback than the actual backup feature. I look forward to read how you iterate on that!

  • I also have a small question. publicationID belongs to a user or to a blog? I am guessing it is for each blog. So any user can have several publicationIDs? I am not familiar with Hashnode's API, but I have been toying around with it a little. And it seems to me that a user can only have a single publication (???) 馃槄

I am just figuring serverless out so this helps a lot!

By the way, I love the drawings :D

1 reply
Sandro Volpicella
Sandro Volpicella
Mar 31, 2022

Thanks for your comment!

I get that the whole approach is a bit confusing or seems a lot for a simple feature like that. But this shows some complexities of an async process.

DynamoDB: DynamoDB is mainly there for getting the connection back to the user. Since we don't have a websocket server such as we need to store the connectionId somewhere to respond to the user. This is what DynamoDB is doing.

Feedback Yes a huge part was definitely the whole feedback loop for the enduser. This infrastructure builds the basics now because we can reuse it for other features as well.

PublicationID A publicationId belongs to a publication. Internally we distinguish between a user and a publication. A user can have several publications, e.g. one team publication and one private publication.

I hope that helps. Drawings are in excalidraw which is an awesome tool! 馃檪

Juan Alvarez
Juan Alvarez
Mar 31, 2022

Great article. I really enjoy reading these kinds of posts, working through the architecture of a feature that seems simple from the outside, but has its challenges internally. Thanks for sharing!

1 reply
Sandro Volpicella
Sandro Volpicella
Apr 4, 2022

Glad to hear that!

Saikat Roy
Saikat Roy
Apr 4, 2022

Great feature indeed but really good to know about the whole process. On the way, got a elaborate idea about aws system.

1 reply
Sandro Volpicella
Sandro Volpicella
Apr 4, 2022

Cool glad you've liked it! 馃檪