Feature name Microsoft-Hyper-V-Hypervisor is unknown . This is the message I got . So I have to firstly download hyper-v and then disable it ? . is it means I didnt require to disable Hyper-V(as it not available,I also cheak in Turn Windows features on or off section) ? Can I go directly installing virtual box?
if you ran it on PowerShell & got that message I think you can directly proceed with virtual box installation.
I had got an issue with timeout in the virtual machine while executing vagrant.exe up. Figuring out how to increase the timeout period.
Hi Rakesh, thank you for the course. Can you tell me where are you running the commands from? is that Git Bash for windows or another linux machine?
ok i got this - youtube.com/watch?v=sQY0g7s2hac&t=9s
you got it right! Its Git Bash. Sorry for the delayed response.
I was told that using virtual box on my system will make it slow during android development with android studio
Hi, Rakesh first the blog is too good and the stepwise guide is simple to understand. my question is that whether it is mandatory to use vagrant to use Linux in a virtual box? also there are many easy ways to use Linux image in a Virtual box and use the Linux environment . Can you explain a little further?
Not mandatory at all! Vagrant makes your life easy by setting up multiple VMs at the same time. Vagrant gives you a single config file to set these up, enabling you to launch all of them with one command.
You can have Multi-VM Networks setup with ease.
It helps you keeping the dev and prod environments as close to each other as possible. In an ideal world, you would provision the production environment with THE SAME scripts used to provision the Vagrant VM, to avoid deployment time surprises.
Sorry for the delayed response.
what's the username and password for ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS. It didn't ask me for root username and password while installing.