2.9K reads
Well the greatest and simplest explanation so far. I couldn't find such a material nowhere over the internet. Hope you keep doing more articles on Sails.js. Thanks a lot.
Thank You very much for the encouraging words, really appreciate!
Actually, motivation of writing this is exactly the fact that you pointed out. I had some difficulties in finding out all these together specially with sails 1.x.
I would like to request you to please share this post among your dev friends so that, it reaches more hands and become helpful..
Can you write about the https and security stuff you mentioned? Nice article.
Thanks! Sure, I can post an article related to it. In the mean time, have a look into these:
Hey, whats Chrome extension you use to organize Json like view?
I am using Chrome extension called, "JSON Formatter
" which claims to Make JSON easy to read and it does well!
Here is the Direct link to it: chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/json-for…
Thanks, i installed now